Angling Trust asks: When will we fish again?


Hello folks, I do hope that everyone is keeping safe and well, and behaving...

Our Chair, Mike Green, has been sent details of the Angling Trust's proposal to Government (details below) asking for angling to be allowed again as a permitted activity.  The proposal advocates a phased return to fishing, observing government guidelines around distancing and non essential travel.  It has been constructed so that each phase correlates to a likely easing of constraints by the Government.

I hope that the proposal is considered, although being realistic, I think we should not expect too much until the lockdown restrictions begin to ease.  Fishing probably has as much call to resume as other water based activities (sailing, rowing, swimming, kayaking), and the Government will want to ensure that any activities are safe and manageable.  The more we stay in I guess, the sooner that will be.

Take care all, and my best wishes,

Jason Harper (Secretary)

Take a look at the the full story on the Angling Trust website:


Angling Trust: We will fish again!


Angling and COVID-19