Video - Flyfishing the Erme

We have a new video on our YouTube Channel of fly fishing on the River Erme which you can see below. The first fish is from the lower Woodland Beat and the rest from the Playing Field Beat.

We hope you enjoy this. We are working on other videos currently. Virtually all the footage comes from me currently and it would be great to see other anglers included. If you would like to contribute please get in touch and we will sort out getting clips transferred.

If you are keen to record, please consider the following tips when using your phone:

  • If using your phone film in landscape (holding your phone sidways not upright).

  • Hold your phone steady. Ideally, rest your hands on something stable or use a tripod.

  • Avoid zooming in as this turns tiny hand movements into huge hand movements. It is best to move closer yourself. Also, things can be zoomed during editing if need be.

  • Film for a good 10 seconds after the action has ended.

There will be more videos to come!

PDFAA Committee


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