2021 Season… Not Long Now!


The new season is nearly upon us and as we welcome new members to the Club we couldn’t be more excited! Our Secretary, Jason Harper, has put together the following info on dates and angling good practice as a useful guide:


As a reminder, our sea trout season starts on 3rd March, our trout season on the 15th March, and fishing for Salmon on the

1st March (Tavy)

1st April (Plym, Meavy and Cad)

For salmon, all fish before 16th June must be returned, and the only permissible means of fishing until this date is fly or artificial lure.

The minimum size for keeping trout and sea trout in our rivers is 18cm, although many fish are still juvenile at this size and will not have had a chance to spawn, so please exercise your good judgement. If a fish has parr or "thumb print" markings down its side it is not fully mature. The use of barbless hooks is actively encouraged, please wetten your hands before handling fish, and try to keep them in the water if possible. A guide to catch and release can be found here,


Catch and release has been around for a long time and is now very widely adopted in many fisheries around the world, most famously in the USA and New Zealand but increasingly in countries that traditionally catch trout for the pot such as France, Spain and Italy, where ‘ no kill’ zones are now designated in some rivers. One notable exception is Germany where angling on a catch and release ...



When the season starts please do follow the latest guidance from the government and Angling Trust. Currently this means fishin in your most local waters.

In other news, our AGM will be happening via Zoom on Tuesday 23rd February at 7-9pm. All members should have had an invitation but please do email us if you haven’t and we’ll send one out.

Please check back here after the AGM for news on any updates coming from the AGM

Tight lines!

PDFAA Committee


The Plym, Cad & Meavy Salmon Season


PDFAA is Open for New Members!